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Protecting Emirates Hospital Group With 24/7 Multi-Signal MDR


For healthcare delivery organisations like Emirates Hospitals Group (EHG), maintaining a strong reputation among its patients is a top priority. EHG recognized that it operated under the ever-expanding threat landscape and needed a trustworthy cybersecurity partner to help reduce their cyber risks and build cyber resilience.

In this video, Ramakrishnan Natarajan, Head of IT at EHG, discusses why he decided to outsource security operations to a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provider. Ramakrishnan also shares the criteria he considered when selecting an MDR vendor to protect EHG, build cyber resilience, and maximize his cybersecurity investment.

Company Description: EHG provides integrated healthcare services in the UAE. EHG owns and operates an extensive portfolio of full-service hospitals, speciality clinics, urgent care centres, aesthetic/cosmetic clinics and pharmacies.

Industry: Healthcare

Security Challenges:

  • Limited in-house resources to run a 24/7 SOC
  • A lack of in-house experience and expertise necessary to identify, investigate and respond to cyber threats
  • Inability to have a single pane of glass view into all assets within EHG’s environment
  • Inefficiencies in how security licenses were maintained and configured
  • Significant reputational risks that could impact the hospitals’ operations in case of a security breach.
  • EHG needed to maintain its reputation as a trusted supply chain partner by ensuring its network is always secure and protected.
  • Managing cyber risks and preventing operational disruption.

Service Overview: 24/7 Multi-Signal Managed Detection and Response

The eSentire Difference:

eSentire Multi-Signal Managed Detection and Response (MDR) alleviates internal resource constraints, ingests, and monitors the entire attack surface 24/7, preventing intrusion attempts. From training to configuring EHG’s infrastructure, eSentire cybersecurity experts provide value and deliver tangible security outcomes from day one.

The service benefits outlined by Ramakrishnan include:

  • eSentire MDR rapidly responds, investigates and remediates cyber threats, helping EHG manage cyber risks, build cyber resilience and maintain its stellar reputation.
  • Outsourcing SOC operations to eSentire allows EHG to have 24/7 eyes on glass and access to the top cybersecurity experts and threat intelligence.
  • eSentire MDR reduces alert fatigue, while its cybersecurity experts provide high-quality intelligence about threats within EHG’s environment.
  • eSentire MDR provides a cost-effective security solution that optimizes EHG’s cybersecurity investment and delivers ROI from day one.
  • Seamless SOC deployment supported by a customer success team with strong project management practices.

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