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Blind Eagle's North American Journey

BY eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU)

February 20, 2024 | 18 MINS READ


Threat Intelligence

Threat Response Unit

TRU Positive/Bulletin

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Key takeaways:

  • Ande Loader is utilized in this campaign to deliver the final payloads: Remcos RAT and NjRAT.
  • Blind Eagle threat actor(s) have been using crypters written by Roda and Pjoao1578.
  • One of the crypters developed by Roda has the hardcoded server hosting both injector components of the crypter and additional malware that was used in the Blind Eagle campaign.
  • We observed Blind Eagle threat actor(s) targeting Spanish-speaking users in the manufacturing industry based in North America.

Blind Eagle Case Study

Blind Eagle, also tracked as APT-C-36, first appeared around 2018. The alleged threat actor(s) originated from South America and is known to target Colombia and other countries in the region. The threat actor(s) employ phishing emails to establish an initial foothold.

In 2021, Trend Micro published a blog post mentioning various RAT variants deployed by Blind Eagle threat actors, such as njRAT, Remcos, Imminent Monitor, AsyncRAT, LimeRAT, BitRAT, and Warzone RAT.

Recently, the eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU) observed Blind Eagle threat actor(s) targeting the manufacturing industry. The users received the phishing email that contained the link to download the RAR and BZ2 archives with a malicious VBS file inside.

Ande Loader Analysis

Case One

The RAR archive is password-protected and contains the malicious VBS file. The VBS file contains the code responsible for copying the VBS file into the Startup folder for persistence (\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) using File.Copy method.

Before copying the file into the Startup folder, it introduces the delay with the command “cmd.exe /c ping -n 10”. Later in the script, there is an obfuscated code with a simple “Replace” containing the PowerShell base64-encoded command to load an assembly ($rOWg), retrieve a specific type (Fiber.Home), and invoke a method (VAI) on that type. The method is invoked with an array of parameters (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Snippet of the obfuscated PowerShell command
Figure 2: PowerShell command containing the array of parameters

The infection chain is shown below.

Figure 3: Infection chain

Upon decoding the Base64-encoded command, we discovered a .NET binary (MD5: 48b6064beec687fc110145cf7a19640d). The .NET binary is obfuscated with YanoObfuscator version The string decryption function applies XOR and bitwise operations to each character in the input string, using a changing key (num) based on the provided integer.

The modified characters are stored in an array, which is then converted back to a string and returned as the decrypted result.

Here’s how the decryption works:

Figure 4: Obfuscated strings
Figure 5: Decryption algorithm

We can run the obfuscated binary through de4dot to get the strings decrypted.

Further analyzing the code, it performs the string replacement to produce a URL where it would download a text file from and then reverses the contents of the file.

It then compares the parameters '1No1me_Startup' and '2No3me_3tartup' that are passed in the PowerShell command mentioned above to 1 and 2. And if they are not equal, then the code proceeds with decoding the contents of the downloaded file.

If the first comparison to “1” is true, then:

Figure 6: The first evaluation

If the second comparison to “2” is true, then similarly to the first block, this block of code creates a new .vbs file in the %AppData% directory if there are no .vbs files in that directory already. Then, it creates a shortcut in the Windows Startup folder. The shortcut points to a PowerShell command that, when launched, waits for 5 seconds and then starts the .vbs file.

The PowerShell command to run the .vbs file would look like this:

The shortcut is created with some specific properties like having the Notepad icon and the description set to "Microsoft". The creation of this shortcut will cause the .vbs script to be run every time the user logs in to Windows.

The naming format “{0}_{1:N}.lnk” means that the shortcut name is composed of two parts separated by an underscore:

Finally, it also runs the same Tools.Ande(Convert.FromBase64String(text2)) function.

In both cases, the script is set up to run at each system startup, albeit through slightly different mechanisms. The if condition associated with the "1" comparison uses the Windows Registry to do this, whereas the else if condition associated with the "2" comparison uses a shortcut in the Startup folder to achieve the same goal.

Figure 7: The first evaluation

Let’s go back to the beginning of the method “VAI” method.

The method VAI takes three arguments of type string. The arguments are as follows:

As shown below, after reversing the first-string parameter and replacing it with certain ASCII characters, the produced output is the URL that contains the text file with reversed Base64-encoded blob.

Figure 8: URL obfuscation
Figure 9: Reversed Base64-encoded blob

After reversing the Base64-encoded in the correct order and Base64-decoding it, Ande Loader loads a dynamic-link library (DLL) into the current process. The specific library to be loaded is determined by the value stored in the variable and then retrieves the address of a function within the loaded DLL. The function name is determined by the value stored in variable A, as shown below.

Figure 10: Loading functions from the library

Eventually, Ande Loader injects the payload into the RegAsm process using the following functions:

Figure 11: Process injection

The final payload dropped by Ande Loader is a RemcosRAT (Remote Access Tool) that is being sold online by BreakingSecurity. The eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU) will release the technical malware analysis of RemcosRAT separately in the future. We have also observed other malware stored on the server, such as ArrowRAT, NjRAT, Quasar RAT, and Ursnif.

Case Two

In the second infection case, the BZ2 archive was distributed via a Discord CDN link.

Figure 12: Password-protected BZ2 archive

The VBS file contains a similar obfuscation pattern and persistence mechanism. Here are some differences in Ande Loader dropped:

Figure 13: List of processes to perform process hollowing on

Crypter “ByRoda”

An anonymous person shared the crypter that is used during one of the Blind Eagle campaigns that Igal Lytzki, Threat Analyst at PerceptionPoint, mentioned. The crypter developer goes under the nickname “Roda-Modder” or “Roda” on hacking forums. The developer also shares other crypters and protectors on forums since 2014.

Figure 14: Crypter advertisement (1)
Figure 15: Crypter advertisement (2)

To activate the crypter, the user would need to provide the “active” key.

Figure 16: Crypter activation form

The key activation works in the following way:

Figure 17: x1_DownloadStringCompleted method
Figure 18: descrypted method
Figure 19: Button1_Click method
Figure 20: FuckCrypt panel

The crypter can be generated in VBS and JS extensions with the options for persistence as a startup name, scheduled task, and AntiVM.

The payload reaches out to Pastebin and then pasteio[.]com to retrieve the injector. We have also seen a different version of the crypter posted by a Security Researcher, @1ZRR4H. The crypter reaches out to Pastebin and then wtools[.]io to retrieve the injector components.

At the moment of writing this blog, pasteio appears to be down, which makes FuckCrypt version 2.1 non-operable. The generated VBS contains an obfuscated base64-encoded PowerShell one-liner and junk code that can be found hardcoded in the Resource section of the crypter.

Figure 21: The crypted VBS file
Figure 22: Embedded Resources section

The first downloaded file mentioned above is the payload that is partially responsible for process injection. From the screenshot below, the functions such as GetThreadContext, SetThreadContext, ReadProcessMemory, NtUnmapViewOfSection, VirtualAllocEx, ResumeThread, etc. used, suggesting process hollowing (T1055.012). The DLL also contains other APIs that are well-known to be used in process injection.

From the code below, the decoded-base64 final payload would be injected into InstalUtil.exe.

Figure 23: Process hollowing

If the decoded PowerShell one-liner contains “4” in the fourth parameter passed to the binary – it means the AntiVM is enabled. The AntiVM feature checks if one of the processes, such as vmtoolsd or VirtualBox, is running on the infected machine.

If a process is found that matches either of these names (indicating that a virtual machine tool is currently running), the function will terminate and return immediately.

Figure 24: VM check

If the fourth parameter also contains the value “1”, the code creates a new registry entry in "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" with a value that runs a PowerShell command to execute a VBScript file located under the %TEMP% folder, that way, the code gets executed each time the system starts up.

The file containing the PowerShell command is named "xx1.ps1". Moving forward, the code constructs a VBScript command that executes the initial VBS crypted script in a new file "xx2.vbs" under the %TEMP% folder.

Figure 25: If the fourth parameter contains "1"

If the fourth parameter contains “2”, it should perform similar actions as in the previous code. But instead, it creates a scheduled task in our example named “Roda”, that runs every minute and a VBS file named “xx.vbs’ instead of “xx2.vbs”.

Figure 26: If the fourth parameter contains "2"

If the fourth parameter contains “3”, the code creates a Windows shortcut (.lnk file) in the Startup directory of the current user to run the initial VBS file via PowerShell. The Startup directory is a special folder where any files or shortcuts placed within it automatically run when Windows starts. The name of the shortcut is the string stored in the third parameter, in our example, it’s “bestcrypt”.

Figure 27: If the fourth parameter contains "3"

Another crypter (MD5: b167a0bc7b097550a89a5ba4cb258592) written by Roda, shown in Figure 28, pulls the additional injector components from the hardcoded server (Figure 29). We assess with medium confidence that the FuckCrypt developer is also involved in the Blind Eagle campaign, dropping the malware stored on the same server.

Figure 28: FuckCrypt
Figure 29: Hardcoded IP containing injector components

We were able to find other samples associated with the binary or the developer. The hashes are included in the Indicators of Compromise at the end of this article.

In one of the crypters mentioned above, another developer’s handle, “Pjoao1578’ was mentioned.

Figure 30: The mention of the nickname in one of the crypters

The crypter developer “Pjoao1578’ has been selling .NET crypters since around 2016.

Figure 31: Crypter sale advertisement by Pjoao1578 (translated to English from Portuguese)

The Pastebin repository of the “Pjoao1578’ “ developer contains some files that have been used in the crypters. The developer is also known for re-purposing the open-source NjRAT under their own version, “0.7d” (MD5: 5d4c903e2ba132fe886be296c10707e9).

Figure 32: Pastebin repository of c

After some research, we have confirmed that Pjoao1578 and Roda are two different developers, but their crypters are actively used in the Blind Eagle campaign.

Currently, the developer is actively working on UpCrypter or also known as UpCry in the previous version.

Figure 33: UpCry crypter
Figure 34: New version of UpCrypter

The generated VBS files for the UpCry and UpCrypter are shown below.

Figure 35: VBS file (UpCry)
Figure 36: VBS file UpCrypter

At the time of writing this report, the URL that serves additional payloads for the UpCry crypter is down (hxxps://ia903401.us.archive[.]org/28/items/dll_20210416_20210416_2051/Dll.txt).

The execution pattern for the UpCrypter is similar to FuckCrypt: hxxps://pastebin[.]com/raw/vwbv5PXc > hxxps://wtools[.]io/code/dl/bOlD.

The initial binary is responsible for setting up persistence mechanisms and writing files to the disk (similar to FuckCrypt), the registry run key value name is hardcoded as “NetwrixParam". The binary then proceeds with retrieving the payload responsible for persistence, and the second binary, which is obfuscated with .NET Reactor, is responsible for process hollowing, this is a part of the RunPE feature of the crypter (Figure 38).

Figure 37: Initial binary pulled from Pastebin
Figure 38: APIs indicating process hollowing

Then the third retrieved PowerShell one-liner is responsible for invoking the final payload.

How eSentire is Responding

The eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU) combines threat intelligence gained from research and security incidents to create practical outcomes for our customers. We are taking a comprehensive response approach to combat modern cybersecurity threats by deploying countermeasures, such as:

Our detection content is supported by investigation runbooks, ensuring our 24/7 SOC Cyber Analysts respond rapidly to any intrusion attempts related to known malware Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. In addition, TRU closely monitors the threat landscape, constantly addresses capability gaps, and conducts retroactive threat hunts to assess customer impact.

Recommendations from eSentire’s Threat Response Unit (TRU)

We recommend implementing the following controls to help secure your organization against Blind Eagle:

While the TTPs used by threat actor(s) grow in sophistication, they lead to a certain level of difficulties at which critical business decisions must be made. Preventing the various attack technique and tactics utilized by the modern threat actor requires actively monitoring the threat landscape, developing and deploying endpoint detections, and the ability to investigate logs & network data during active intrusions.

eSentire TRU is a world-class team of threat researchers who develop new detections enriched by original threat intelligence and leverage new machine learning models that correlate multi-signal data and automate rapid response to advanced threats.  

To learn what it means to have an elite team of Threat Hunters and researchers that works for you, connect with an eSentire Security Specialist now. 

Yara Rule

rule Ande_Loader {
        author = "eSentire TI"
        description = "Ande_Loader"
        date = "7/3/2023"
        $s1 = {37 39 31 37 32 42 31 33 2d 45 44 42 41 2d 34 30 39 36 2d 42 37 32 35 2d 38 45 39 32 42 37 33 30 42 32 42 41}
        $s2 = {56 41 49}
        $s3 = {6F 25 00 00 0A}
        $s4 = {28 ?? 00 00 0A}
        all of ($s*)

Indicators of Compromise



Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader


Ande Loader






Vbs-Crypter Simples.exe






Remcos RAT








C2 (RemcosRAT)


C2 (NjRAT)


C2 (opendir)


Extracted Remcos Configuration:

rxms.duckdns[.]org:57832:1||RemoteHost||1|| ||||||1|||| ||8||r e m c o s . e x e   ||R e m c o s   ||||0||Rmc-YYR00A||1||8||l o g s . d a t   || || || ||10|| ||  ||5||6||Screenshots|| || || || || || || || || ||5||||MicRecords|| ||0||0||  || ||||0|| ||1||R e m c o s   ||r e m c o s   || || ||FF7378C2D2969BB7BFD41F14D42772D3|| ||100000||

NjRAT Configuration:

host = "njnjnjs[.]duckdns.org";
port = "35888";
registryName = "6515f0beea";
splitter = "@!#&^%$";
victimName = "TllBTiBDQVQ=";
version = "0.7NC";
stubMutex = null;
currentAssemblyFileInfo = new FileInfo(Application.ExecutablePath);
keylogger = null;
isConnected = false;
tcpSocket = null;
lastCapturedImage = "";
currentPlugin = null;





MITRE ATT&CK Technique


Initial Access



Blind Eagle is delivered via a phishing email containing the link to retrieve the password-protected archive.

User Execution


Malicious File

The user launches the malicious VBS file



Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

Persistence is achieved via the Registry Run Keys / Startup folder



Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell

The VBS script spawns PowerShell to execute Ande Loader

Defense Evasion, Privilege Escalation


Process Injection: Process Hollowing

Blind Eagle is using process hollowing to inject the final payload

eSentire Unit
eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU)

The eSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU) is an industry-leading threat research team committed to helping your organization become more resilient. TRU is an elite team of threat hunters and researchers that supports our 24/7 Security Operations Centers (SOCs), builds threat detection models across the eSentire XDR Cloud Platform, and works as an extension of your security team to continuously improve our Managed Detection and Response service. By providing complete visibility across your attack surface and performing global threat sweeps and proactive hypothesis-driven threat hunts augmented by original threat research, we are laser-focused on defending your organization against known and unknown threats.

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