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Private Equity Cyber Risk Checklist

Cybersecurity breaches and threats are pervasive concerns for any entity that stores valuable data or manages large sums of money. Private equity firms are no exceptions.

In a recent survey, only 36% of private equity firms felt that they had adequate time and resources to assess the cyber risk of an investment property. Not surprisingly, 65% of those firms expressed buyer’s remorse due to cybersecurity issues.

Portfolio companies that are part of private equity firms can be an easy target for threat actors since many are growth-focused and are often secured with lean, less mature cyber operations.

In addition, private equity firms also have detailed disclosure requirements to abide by, making it easy for attackers to find these valuable targets.

Therefore, cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in extracting and protecting equity in investments. To proactively detect, disrupt, and remediate cyber attacks, private equity firms need a partner they can rely on.

Download the Private Equity Cyber Risk Checklist to help you narrow your focus on what is most important to consider as you look to mature your firm’s overall cyber ecosystem. This checklist will also provide a baseline for standardization across your portfolio companies to subscribe to.

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