
eSentire XDR Investigator


eSentire’s IR retainer offering is powered by our proprietary XDR Investigator agent and enables our unlimited incident response with threat suppression guarantee delivered remotely, anywhere in the world. This software is a game changer in the digital forensics world. Unlike legacy “dead drive” digital forensic tools, eSentire XDR Investigator enables cybersecurity investigators to immediately and remotely commence identifying the exact nature of a security event, determining to what extent systems have been affected, and accelerating incident response. eSentire’s platform mitigates impact by substantially reducing the mean time to identify (MTTI) and mean time to contain (MTTC) cyber threats to minutes from days or even weeks. There are no competitors that can touch this capability.

Additionally, eSentire XDR Investigator can be used as more than an incident response tool. It can be used for e-discovery, HR investigations, environment assessments and more.

Watch this video to learn more about the eSentire XDR Investigator difference.

Watch The Video