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Security advisories

Reaper IoT Botnet

February 26, 2019 | 1 MIN READ

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The Threat
Researchers have discovered a large “Internet of Things” (IoT) botnet with similarities to Mirai. Known as “IoT Troop” or “Reaper”, this threat targets IoT devices by exploiting vulnerabilities on internet-connected devices such as IP cameras and consumer grade routers. Compromised devices could be used to support Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) against targets worldwide. While this botnet appears to be in the early stages of formation, organizations are encouraged to review the denial of service strategies with service providers.


Recommended Actions


In the event of an attack eSentire recommends:


Additional Information
In mid-September 2017, researchers at Qihoo 360 and Check Point reported an increase in attacks against IoT devices. Similarly, eSentire has observed an upward trend in attacks targeting IoT. Unlike past botnets, strong passwords will not be enough to keep devices safe from infection, as Reaper targets manufacturer vulnerabilities. There is currently no known target for the Reaper botnet, but it can be expected that DDoS attacks would likely target DMZ exposed assets as well as cloud-hosted services.


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