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CyFIR Internal Investigation: A Corporate Security Use Case

BY eSentire

June 17, 2021 | 2 MINS READ

Incident Response

Cybersecurity Strategy

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This blog was originally published on CyFIR.com and has been reposted as-is here following eSentire’s acquisition of CyFIR Inc. in June 2021. As of the date of the acquisition, no changes have been made to the content below.

Today, most corporate information is created and recorded digitally. As a result, Corporate Security Departments need tools that provide visibility and control of a company’s digital environment. The following use case highlights how CyFIR Internal Investigation Services can support Corporate Security needs by safeguarding sensitive materials and providing insight into an employee’s network activity.

As Director of Corporate Security, Sydney had a busy job. The company operated in 14 countries across three continents, which created numerous risks to physical and information security. As a software business, one of the most important goals for her department was safeguarding intellectual property (IP), a task that continued to grow in complexity as the company expanded into new markets.

While many of the threats the company faced were external, Sydney also feared that one day a disgruntled employee might attempt to access and exfiltrate sensitive materials. Many countries in which the company operated lacked robust legal protection, and so it was critical to prevent their IP from leaving the organization.

To reduce the risk of IP theft, Sydney had introduced a system for evaluating risk for employees with access to sensitive materials. Moreover, Sydney knew that employees were more likely to exfiltrate sensitive data after receiving a disciplinary action. Using the CyFIR Enterprise Platform, Sydney implemented a procedure that automatically placed employees on a data monitoring program whenever any disciplinary action was taken against them.

Two months later, an employee working on one of their most sensitive programs was involved in a workplace dispute with a supervisor. Following protocol, Corporate Security placed file tracking filters on the employee’s system. These monitoring systems would alert Corporate Security if the employee attached removable media to his machine or began accessing files that matched several protected keywords. Later that night, Sydney received an alert that the employee was copying data from a network device to a USB drive attached to a company workstation. She immediately dispatched a team of security personnel to the workstation where the employee was caught red-handed. Since Sydney was notified of the activity before he could leave the building, no information was lost.

Digital Forensics Capabilities for Today’s Enterprise Needs

Sydney’s story demonstrates why Corporate Security Departments need tools to help manage complex, geographically distributed information systems that contain sensitive and proprietary information. By enabling security professionals to monitor access to network systems and even track the activity of targeted employees, CyFIR can significantly improve a company’s security posture. With CyFIR, companies gain the visibility and control necessary to effectively safeguard against potential IP thefts, pilfering of company lists, and other misuses of corporate systems.

Some of the key takeaways from this example include:


eSentire, Inc., the Authority in Managed Detection and Response (MDR), protects the critical data and applications of 2000+ organizations in 80+ countries, across 35 industries from known and unknown cyber threats by providing Exposure Management, Managed Detection and Response and Incident Response services designed to build an organization’s cyber resilience & prevent business disruption. Founded in 2001, eSentire protects the world’s most targeted organizations with 65% of its global base recognized as critical infrastructure, vital to economic health and stability. By combining open XDR platform technology, 24/7 threat hunting, and proven security operations leadership, eSentire's award-winning MDR services and team of experts help organizations anticipate, withstand and recover from cyberattacks. For more information, visit: www.esentire.com and follow @eSentire.

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