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Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training


3 minutes read
Alleviate resource constraints and drive behavioral change with your employees.
A graphic outlining key security outcomes you can expect from eSentire Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training (PSAT).

Your Challenges

  • Low user resiliency to phishing attempts
  • Immature employee security awareness
  • Increasing number of users and exposure to phishing attempts
  • Inadequate internal phishing and training capabilities
  • Resource and expertise constraints to manage an end-to-end program
  • Limitations on implementing broad and customized attacks against specific users and departments
  • Visibility into risk across user, departments and overall organization
  • Limited ability to target training against specific risk behaviors and measure improved resiliency

Our Solution

eSentire’s Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training puts your organization on the forefront of user protection against the latest social engineering attacks.

Our end-to-end service alleviates the resources required to operationalize an effective user resiliency program. Leveraging software paired with dedicated social engineering experts, we ensure your users are continuously tested and hardened against even the most sophisticated phishing attempts. Our robust phishing libraries consist of hundreds of templates, ensuring users are tested against real-world scenarios, not commoditized and easy to spot templates.

Training modules are automatically assigned to users that fall victim to simulated testing, ensuring education is integrated at the moment of failure and drives sustained behavioral change. Extending well beyond checking a compliance box, eSentire’s Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training service generates measurable results. We not only help you meet regulatory requirements, but also ensure that your organization is resilient against the latest social engineering tactics.

How it Works

A graphic explaining how eSentire Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training (PSAT) tests and hardens users against sophisticated phishing attempts, resulting in increased cyber resilience.


End-to-end management

Provides the personnel and expertise required to tune, manage and deliver an ongoing and effective phishing and security awareness program.

Industry leading platform

Leverages a proven and battle-tested unified phishing and security awareness training platform.

Ongoing communication

Newsletters and bulletins promote awareness of new phishing attacks and tactics.

Robust training library

Curated training courses are continuously updated to reflect the latest phishing tactics and methods.

Automated training assignment

Enrolls users into specific training modules based on the phishing tactics they fall victim to.

User and departmental risk scoring

Measures campaign results and scores risk at the user, department and organizational level.

Measured improvements

Integrated dashboards identify micro and macro trends demonstrating sustainable behavior change.

Real-world emulation

Tests users against the latest social engineering tactics designed to capitalize on susceptible human nature.

Co-management access*

Optional platform access enables your team to run ad-hoc campaigns and training exercises.

Report-a-phish button**

Enables your users to report an email as an attachment directly to your internal IT team.

Satisfy compliance requirements

eSentire Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training provides an all-in-one platform.

Technical and executive reporting

Delivers detailed and higher level reporting including campaign results and overall program success.

Quarterly walk-throughs

eSentire experts review programs and ensure service outcomes continue to meet requirements.

The eSentire Difference

eSentire's Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training Other Solutions
End-user dashboards Limited
Randomized and automated phishing campaigns
Branded dashboards Limited
Report-a-phish button *Integrated with your infrastructure
Risk assessment surveys Limited
Cybersecurity framework (CSF) alignment (i.e., NIST) Not Available
Co-management and managed delivery Not Available

Make the case for eSentire’s Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training

  • Removes the complexity of managing an effective phishing and security awareness program
  • Extends the expertise of your security team with integrated social engineering professionals
  • Tests your users against the latest social engineering tactics used in real-world scenarios
  • Identifies susceptible users before attackers can capitalize
  • Illuminates department level and overall organizational risk
  • Drives immediate behavioral change and long-term security awareness
  • Hardens overall organization against user-based risk
  • Achieves regulatory and third-party reporting requirements

*Requires Platform Co-Management.

**Report-a-phish button requires eSentire MDR for 24/7 SOC support.

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help! Submit your information and an eSentire representative will be in touch to help you build a more resilient security operation today.