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eSentire Cyber Risk Advisory Team


5 minutes read
Engage a Cyber Risk Advisor (CRA) who acts as an extension of your team to help make your organization more cyber resilient.

Maintain intimate knowledge of the infrastructure and operations

Your Cyber Risk Advisor prepares your organization to anticipate cyberattacks by combining their knowledge of the threat landscape and your business operations to improve your organization’s cyber resilience.

Proactively identify critical areas of risk and provide prioritized recommendations

Your Cyber Risk Advisor aggregates and correlates data across your subscribed eSentire services to make recommendations on the most critical risks posed to your business.

Continuously improve organizational resilience

The threat landscape is ever evolving, so today's solutions may not solve tomorrow's problems. Your Cyber Risk Advisor works with you to continuously identify gaps, build, and update roadmaps for improvement, and improve your organization's resilience when facing adversity.

Your Challenges

As threat actors continue to adopt the “as-a-service” model to create new types of attack techniques, leverage zero-day exploits, and evolve their Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), organizations are challenged with mitigating new areas of cyber risk. With cyber risks growing in number and complexity, business leaders are left wondering just how effective their security programs are.

Moreover, security leaders are struggling to keep up with industry-specific threats, maintaining visibility across their entire attack surface, and hiring experienced, highly skilled staff with the security expertise needed to defend their organization from known and unknown threats. As a result, security leaders must engage a trusted partner who can act as an extension of their team to help reduce cyber risk, build resilience, and prevent disruption.

Introducing eSentire Cyber Risk Advisory Team

At eSentire, we help your organization anticipate, withstand, and recover from cyberattacks by building a more resilient security operation – regardless of whether you’re in the cloud, on-premises, or have a hybrid environment. We partner with you to understand your core needs and your security infrastructure to provide customized recommendations on how you can build resilience and prevent business disruption.

The Cyber Risk Advisory Team provides you access to a Cyber Risk Advisor (CRA) who acts as an extension of your team to ensure your organization builds cyber resilience. The CRA will provide strategic guidance on cyber risk and proactive security recommendations based on an in-depth understanding of your cloud, on-premises, or hybrid environment. No matter where your data resides, the CRA will analyze your infrastructure, operations, and the interactions between you and eSentire to identify key risk areas that can be improved.

We will be with you every step of the way as you measure, compare, and improve your cyber resilience over time.

The eSentire Cyber Risk Advisory Difference

As a key member of the eSentire Cyber Resilience Team, the CRA provides guidance around your cyber defense strategy and providing tactical recommendations to help your team prevent disruption and build cyber resilience.

Benefits of engaging a CRA include:


Threat Intelligence Content Reviews

We educate your team on the evolving threat landscape and emerging trends that our Threat Response Unit (TRU) observes across customer environments and operationalize those threat intel insights to create custom security recommendations for you.


Frequent, Ongoing Engagement

From deployment support, alert workflow management, XDR portal overview, architecture reviews, operations reviews and more, we’re with you every step of the way.


Industry Expertise

As the subject matter expert in cyber risk, the CRA understands the threat landscape, your business objectives and security program priorities to provide deeper insights into the threat landscape based on your specific industry or business.

What to Expect from Your Cyber Risk Advisor

Maintain intimate knnowledge of the infrastructure and operations


Document the infrastructure, data flows, and key operational processes. Incorporate findings from implementations and ongoing engagements. Update documentation as changes occur.


Establish a trusted advisor relationship and regularly communicate with the appropriate team members involved in the day-to-day management of infrastructure and security operations.

Monitoring and Analysis

Leverage eSentire services and toolsets to gather data and metrics about your company’s infrastructure and security operations.

Regular Reviews

Schedule periodic reviews of the company infrastructure and operational processes to identify areas that may require improvements or updates.

Proactively identify critical gaps and areas of concern and provide prioritized recommendations

Gap Analysis

Conduct an analysis of your organization’s resilience posture and identify gaps based on industry best practices, threat context, and eSentire subscription and coverage levels.

Prioritize Opportunities for Improvement

Prioritize gaps based on likelihood, impact, severity, frequency, and general alignment with business priorities.

Communicate Gaps and Recommendations

Clearly communicate gaps and provide actionable recommendations to relevant stakeholders. Provide insights into the potential benefits and expected outcomes of implementing the recommendations.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly review and update mitigation strategy and processes. Continuously monitor industry trends and emerging threats to ensure the strategies and recommendations remain relevant.

Continuously build and improve organizational cyber resilience

Maximize Your Investment

Leverage a combination of an organization’s security operations data and data from eSentire’s Exposure Management, MDR, and DFIR solutions to drive prioritization and demonstrate ROI.

Cyber Resilience Roadmap

Develop a strategic plan that outlines the initiatives, actions, and milestones necessary to enhance your organization’s cyber resilience over time. The roadmap provides a structured approach to strengthen your organization’s ability to anticipate, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber threats and incidents.

Continuous Optimization

Conduct periodic reviews of your organization’s cybersecurity investment and assess its effectiveness and value. Identify gaps and opportunities for improvement and partner with your organization to optimize security outcomes based on evolving threats and changes within the organization.

Ultimate flexibility

Meet Your Specific Needs

Get a tiered CRA approach to match your business goals, budget, and requirements. Since every organization is different with varying maturity levels and priorities, we don’t take a ‘one size fits all’ approach to our Cyber Risk Advisor services.

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help! Submit your information and an eSentire representative will be in touch to help you build a more resilient security operation today.